
New products! Libresse Launched New Range of Products in the New SensitiV Line.

      New products! Libresse recently launched new range of products in the new SensitiV line. In the range that was launched in January 2021 in SEA market, there are multiple period care and feminine intimate care products catered to provide gentle care to even the most sensitive V-zones. Pads, feminine wash, wet tissues and pantyliners were part of the products that were launched exclusively in Watsons.

      In conjunction with this launch, Libresse has created giveaways on their social media and have been receiving lots of love already. Besides that, they also partnered up with Watsons for a similar giveaway to garner the attention of consumers.

1New launch poster

2 Watsons giveaway with Libresse

3 Libresse giveaway on social media